Top of Byres Road, Glasgow, G12 8QX

Nelson Mandela – Visit To Glasgow 30th Anniversary

At Oran Mor

“This for me is an unforgettable occasion.” 

Nelson Mandela, on his visit to Glasgow October 1993


Celebrating the 30th anniversary of Nelson Mandela’s historic visit to Glasgow, the Nelson Mandela Scottish Memorial Foundation presents an evening of music, spoken word, comedy and film to mark the unique contribution that Glasgow made to the struggle against apartheid in South Africa and to securing the freedom of Mandela and his comrades.

Performers include those who were there in 1993, and those who have been inspired by Mandela’s legacy.  Hosted by Susan Morrison, guests include Arthur Johnstone, Hannah Lavery, Philip Differ, Iona Fyfe, Suzanne Bonnar, Calum Baird, Gavin Livingstone.

The Nelson Mandela Scottish Memorial Foundation has been established to create a statue of Nelson Mandela in Nelson Mandela Place Glasgow and to increase the knowledge and understanding of:

  • The life and legacy of Nelson Mandela;
  • the role of Scotland and Glasgow in the worldwide campaign for his release and against apartheid.


Oct 08 2023





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